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Surviving and thriving through and past COVID

October 15, 2021
An approach that’s been key for me in my career is looking for the opportunity in a difficult situation. A silver lining of COVID-19 was the chance it offered to exercise that muscle. It’s tested me, our team and Vonco’s business. At first, it was

2020 Foresight Podcast

September 29, 2021
The 2020 Foresight Podcast is designed exclusively for CEOs of small – medium sized companies who wish to share their insights. It is six questions in six minutes because Top CEOs know how to listen and be concise.  

Entrepreneurial Energy: How to invest in yourself to attract positive outcomes

September 21, 2021
When I finally bought my company, it was after two years of searching with my partners. I knew it came with a lot of work and responsibility, but it was my dream to own my own company, and in 2012 I acquired Vonco Products and

MD&M West Interview 2021

August 10, 2021
I had the privilege of being interviewed by Ed Heiland at MD&M West 2021 in August. It was great to have thought-provoking discussions about the present and future of Medical Devices. It was nice to see all the attendees that stopped to watch the interview

My name is Keith, welcome to my blog!

June 16, 2021
Thank you for visiting my website. I’m so excited you’re here and I look forward to starting a dialogue, listening to your unique story, and sharing what I have to offer. To start, let me address a phrase that is near and dear to me:

Parkside Ranger Athletics

February 9, 2021
Parkside Ranger Athletics Director of Athletics Andrew Gavin meets with Keith Smith of Vonco Products for this edition of Telling Our Story.

FaB Wisconsin

January 3, 2021
The Scaler Forum is for owners and leadership teams that no longer consider themselves a start-up and are now established with proven business models and increased sales year over year. 

BizTimes Media

October 16, 2020
The annual Next Generation Manufacturing Summit, presented by BizTimes Media, features an exciting interactive discussion with chief executive officers of southeastern Wisconsin companies. The CEOs will share their companies’ best operational strategies and discuss their solutions for competing in a global marketplace.